Statement from Cllr. W. Sunnucks

Statement from Cllr. William Sunnucks
Colchester’s Local Plan committee has voted to postpone a public consultation on huge new housing allocations until there is a plan for delivery of the associated infrastructure.  
The new higher housing targets are being imposed by central government as part of its programme to deliver 1.5million new houses over a 5 year period.  It has reduced the targets for the cities and imposed extra numbers on the surrounding countryside. 
Colchester has no choice but to identify sites for the new numbers: and rural Councillors are concerned by the way some villages will be totally transformed by a doubling or tripling of their populations.  A 26% increase in housing stock will lead to a 26% increase in population, and without proper infrastructure planning roads will be gridlocked, surgeries and hospitals overwhelmed, schools overcrowded and so on.
Villages hardest hit in the area to the North of Colchester are:
* Eight Ash Green
* Aldham
* West Bergholt
* Langham (900)
* Wakes Colne (200)
* Gt Tey (125)
* Marks Tey (2500)
Councillors asked planning officers to complete the infrastructure audit and identify the rough cost and likely source of funding for each piece.  Also to prepare contingency plans in case there is no government funding for the big road schemes - the A12 improvements between Chelsmford and Marks Tey, The A120 between Braintree and the A12 and the A133 Link road East of Colchester.
It is hoped that the work can be done in 3 months and that following full public consultation and sensible amendments a sound plan can be put forward for inspection.